DXC Technology

DXC Technology

Client DXC Technology

Location Cernusco sul Naviglio, MI, Italia

Built area 2,800

Date 2018


The new offices of DXC Technology reflect the strong personality of the company, which was created with the aim of driving the digital transformation of customers.
Innovation and modernity give life to a simple space with a timeless elegance: transparent surfaces, floors and ceilings with neutral colors and natural textures. Everything contributes to recreate an environment where the domestic dimension enters in the office world, creating a welcoming atmosphere.

Even in meeting rooms neutral shades and natural materials are alternated, but the main character here are the glass shieldings that guarantee the best privacy. The same positioning of the rooms, orthogonally to the corridor, allows the ideal collocation to favor a modern but reserved workspace. A space that has materic and scenographic continuity, a fluid path that balances creativity and technology.

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