Progetto CMR joins Studi Aperti 2018

Date 16 May 2018

Categories News|events


For the second year in a row, Progetto CMR opens its doors to the public joining the “Studi Aperti” event, showing some of the key projects currently ongoing in Milan


On May the 18th and 19th the new edition of “Studi Aperti” will be held. “Studi Aperti” is the initiative organized by the CNAPPC (Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori) to let the general public get in touch with the design firms and know more about the great world of architecture and design.


Progetto CMR will wait for you all on Friday 18th from 6.30pm at its historical office in Corso Italia 68 in Milan. During the evening, four important projects in Milan will be introduced by our architects, an original and informal way to share our vision of the cities of the future!


The four presentations will be arranged as follow: 


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