Progetto CMR at BIM conference of Quotidiano Immobiliare

Date 5 March 2018

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Architect Andrea Dallavalle represents Progetto CMR at the conference organized by Quotidiano Immobiliare on the topic of using BIM in design.

BIM, which future in Real Estate?” is the title of the conference organized by Quotidiano Immobiliare, on the topic of the use of BIM in design.
BIM is a process that will increasingly accompany real estate initiatives from the design phase to maintenance and management. We need the operators to have a clear and shared idea on how to proceed.


Andrea Dallavalle represents Progetto CMR with the speech “The BIM and the performance of the building”.


The conference  is set up on Tuesday March the 6th from 9:00 am at the  l’Innovation Campus in Via Lombardia 2/a, Peschiera Borromeo (MI).

For more information please visit:

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