ECOtechGREEN 2018

Date 13 September 2018

Categories News


Landscape design in sports facilities projects: Giovanni Giacobone at ECOtechGREEN 2018 in Padua

On Sept 20th, Padua will host the ECOtechGREEN 2018 International Forum, a key event for landscape designers which aims at promoting new nature based solutions for urban development.


During the Forum, organized by Paysage and the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape designers, the latest trends and recent research on landscape design will be shared. Giovanni Giacobone will deliver a speech on “The technological landscape in sports facilities”, showing two case studies, the new Cagliari Calcio stadium and the Wearena complex, both designed with Sportium.


Click here to have more information and to register to the event.


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