China Trader Award to Progetto CMR

Date 21 February 2011

Categories News


During the last few years, especially in 2010, Progetto CMR Engineering Integrated Services s.r.l. has dimostrated a great qualities of integration in China, involving the local population and creating new synergies.
The company has also carried out many projects in sectors that are often different from its core-business. All this, combined with a great attention to ecology and with a human-scale development in many Chinese cities, allowed to meet the needs of the population and the criteria for the allocation of customers.

The contribution of Progetto CMR to the Expo of Shanghai, the awards gained directly in China, the numbers and the quality of the proposed initiatives, and also an heterogeneous team and over a million square meters constructed on site, have clearly distinguished the company for dynamism and integration capacity in the Country.

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