The Edoardo Camardella Bivouac display at Klimahouse.

Date 4 February 2025

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“Architecture in the high mountains represents a perfect synthesis of innovation, technology and respect for the environment. Designing and building in extreme conditions requires solutions that combine functionality, sustainability and a design that blends into the natural landscape”.


On the occasion of the exhibition “Architetture in quota: tra sfida tecnica e armonia con l’ambiente” planned during Klimahouse Bolzano 2025, the Edoardo Cardella Bivouac, designed by Progetto CMR, will be exhibited as an example of one of the most significant projects among the architectures built in the high mountains.


Exhibition Opening: January 30 2025, PREFA ACADEMY (Via Louis Braille, 4, Bolzano) -10.30 a.m. For more information:


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