Date 1 December 2014

Categories Publications


On 11th October 2014, the new headquarters of Pittini Group, a leading company in steel production, was opened in Osoppo, near Udine. This solid and concrete industrial group has its roots in the values of the family and of the territory of Friuli. The building, which hosts all the company’s activities and embodies effectively the DNA of the group, was born from a constant dialogue between designers and customers, in order to better understand their requirements, and provide actual solutions in terms of energy efficiency, seismic safety, flexibility, and comfort. This space, conceived to meet organisational requirements and to guarantee maximum well-being for all collaborators, is in perfect harmony with its context. The building has been designed by Progetto CMR, an architectural firm specialised in integrated design. In this charming location, the new headquarters of Pittini Group become an architectural element able to reconcile the soft hues of the surrounding natural environment with the strength of the steel mill. This book tells the story of this project, made by men, and blending in with the landscape and its history.

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